Student awardees
$ 3354870
Research funding
Graduates in STEM fields
or pursuing STEM degrees
K-12 Educators and students

2024-25 Deadlines for various Programs. Click here

Success Stories

We are proud of the incredible achievements earned by our students.
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Discover New NASA Opportunities

  • Space Technology Payload Challenge: A NASA STMD TechLeap Prize

  • Europa Clipper ICONS Internship

  • 2025 NASA Student Airborne Research Program


Student Quotes

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2016 Space Grant Fellowship, 2017 Dissertation: Improvement Fellowship: University of Central Florida

FSGC was able to fund my research during my graduate student at UCF. The work I was able to complete thanks to the program enabled my published work to land me my job working for the Department of Defense.

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2009 NASA Academy/Higher Education, University of Florida

I’ve personally been a launch conductor and launch controller for over 40 Falcon 9 launches. Helped develop the current engine (M1D) used on the Falcon 9 rocket. Currently working as a Dragon Fluids engineer and just help load the hyperbolic propellant onto our first crewed Dragon mission!

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2013 Space Grant Research Award, University of North Florida

This grant helped me achieve my research goals during my undergraduate career, which led to
my acceptance to graduate school. These steps have taken me to where I am today, developing
new technology as a startup company.

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Florida International University, 2009 FSGC Academy and NASA intern

Changed the trajectory of my life

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Florida Institute of Technology, 2006-2008 Florida Space Grant Intern at NASA

Opened my eyes to the vast array of options available to me

National Space Grant

NASA initiated the National Space Grant College and Fellowship Project, also known as Space Grant, in 1989. Space Grant is a national network of colleges and universities. These institutions are working to expand opportunities for Americans to understand and participate in NASA's aeronautics and space projects by supporting and enhancing science and engineering education, research and public outreach efforts.


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