2020 FSGC Masters Fellowships Awardees
Advisor-name First-name Last-nameCollege-UniversityProject Title
Dr. Humberto CampinsAniciaArredondoUniversity of Central FloridaSpectroscopy of Main-belt Sources of Near-Earth Asteroids
Dr. Eduardo DivoCollinTopolskiEmbry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Dr. Lawrence A. SternJohnnyStephensUniversity of South Florida
Dr. Henry FuelbergHaidenMersiovskyFlorida State University
Dr. Kareem AhmedAlexanderBazziUniversity of Central FloridaSingle sensor fiber-based high-speed tomographic 4D particle image velocimetry
Dr. Amy WilliamsLaurenJudgeUniversity of FloridaIdentifying Biosignatures in Manganese Oxides
Dr. Venkat R. BhethanabotlaJonathanSamuelsonUniversity of South FloridaSurface acoustic wave sensing as a robust, broadly-applicable method for chemical characterization
2020 Dissertation and Thesis Improvement Fellowship Awardees
Advisor-nameFirst-name Last-nameCollege-UniversityProject Title
Dr. Sylvia W. ThomasEvaFernandezUniversity of South FloridaEco-Cycler Arthropod Habitat for Sustaining Human Life and Productivity in Space
Dr. Christopher BennettBrianFerrariUniversity of Central FloridaCmputational Predictions of Spectroscopic Properties of Unusual Chemical Species Anticipate within Outer Solar System Ices
Dr. Subith S. VasuAndrewLaichUniversity of Central FloridaTowards LOX/methane engines-High pressure ignition studies of methane/02 mixtues
Dr. Subith VasuErikNinnemannUniversity of Central FloridaShock tube study of advanced alternative aviation fuels
Dr. Subith VasuJustinUrsoUniversity of Central FloridaInvestigation of Hypersonic Flows in a Shock Tube
Dr. Subith VasuChristopherAroseUniversity of Central FloridaFar infared detectors for space applications
Dr. Arash TakshiSabrinaRosa-OrtizUniversity of South FloridaCopper Electrodeposition assisted by hydrogen evolution for wearable eletronics: Interconnections and Fiber Metallization
Dr. Oliver SteinbockPamelaKnollFlorida State UniversityUnderstanding Abiotic Processes that Form Life-like Stuctures
Dr. Christopher BennetAmyLeBleu-DeBartolaUniversity of Central FloridaDeNovo Synthesis of Short chain Peptides and Depsipeptide in Asteroid Parent body and Early Earth conditions
Dr. Kareem AhmedVidhanMalikUniversity of Central FloridaParametric Study of Powdered Fuel Sources for Rotating Detonation Engines
Dr. Kareem AhmedDanielRosatoUniversity of Central FloridaInitiation and Stabilization of Shock Induced Reactions in High-Enthalpy, Turbulent, Hypersonic Flow
Dr. Kareem AhmedCalRisingUniversity of Central FloridaCharacterization of Turbulent Flame Vortex Dynamics and Diagnostic Approach
Dr. Kareem AhmedRobertBurkeUniversity of Central FloridaRotating Detonations for Upper-Stage Rocket Engine
