Space Exploration & Spaceport Technology Development Awards
PIUniversityProject Title
Sudipta SealUCFNanostructured Functional Hydrogen Separation Membranes for Space Applications
Sathya GangadharanERAUModeling and Parameter Estimation of Fuel Slosh Effects within Spinning Spacecraft
Nam Ho KimUFClosed-Loop Electrodynamics Suspension System Modeling and Control-Next Generation Space Launch and Ground Support Technology
David RossERAUOptimizing Thermal performance for Cryogenic Insulation Systems
Takis KasparisUCFSingle Camera Tracking of Debris Objects in a Semi-Stable Background
Space-Based Research and Payload Development Awards
PIUniversityProject Title
Ruey-Hung ChenUCFParticle Detection/Monitoring in Space and Clean-Room Environment
Alison WatkinsUSFSpecies Adaptive Genetic Algorithms for Path Planning in Space Exploration Robots
James G. MantovaniFITMineral Particle Characterization and Possible Dust Mitigation Techniques for Lunar and Mars Lander Missions
Joshua GundersenUMThe Development of Affordable Millimeter-wave Focal Plane Array Technologies
Ranga NarayananUFOscillatory Flow as a Means of Separation of Species-A Space Life Support Application
Space Education and Training Programs Awards
PIUniversityProject Title
Eric PerrellERAUEmbry-Riddle Aeronautical University Rocketry Initiative
Brian P. TonnerOrlando Science CenterStudent space-related education through bioreactor design and osteoblast research in microgravity
K SimmonsTekna-Theos Inc.Student space-related education through bioreactor design and osteoblast research in microgravity
Janusz ZalewskiFGCUCurriculum Development and Two Courses for Real-Time Software in Space Operations