NASA’s internship programs provide training, mentoring, and career development opportunities while working with the best science, engineering, financial, information technology and business minds in the world. NASA internships are available for students in a variety of disciplines – not just science, technology, engineering and math.

Pathways Internships

STEM Engagement Internships:

All Florida students interested in internships at NASA centers for the summer of 2025 have to apply through the NASA Internships and Fellowships website  (

The NASA centers will make the selection of students and will request FSGC to pay the stipends for some of the Florida students that are selected for the internship. FSGC will support up to 5  Florida students as interns at NASA centers during summer of 2025. All students have to be US citizens and enrolled in a Florida university or College.

Please note that FSGC will not support interns during the Fall and Spring semesters

2021 Summer Interns

FSGC Summer 2021 Internships  
CenterStudent NameProject TitleInstitution
LaRCLazaro boschNASA eClipsFlorida International University
KSC Robert GuthrieKSC Integrated Business Management SystemUniversity of North Florida
LaRCMargaret GeorgePrediction Of Worldwide renewable Energy ResourcesUniversity of Florida
KSC Sydney AitchesonNASA Outreach ProjectFAMU

2020 Summer Interns

Summer and Fall  2020 FSGC-NASA Interns
StudentUnivMission DirectorateProject TitleNASA CenterMentor
Juan HalleranERAUSTControl Systems Design for a Robot with Flexible Inverted PendulumKSCDupuis, Michael
Alex LacernaUFSTControl Systems Design for a Robot with Flexible Inverted PendulumKSCDupuis, Michael
Melissa MaFSUSTRadio Monitoring KSCBirr, Richard
Zach Karpinski UFHEOLaboratory support for ground-based and ISS levitation experiments MarshallMichael Sansoucie
Fall Internship     
Adam DukeERAUSTControl Systems Design for Robotic Systems – Virtual – 18154KSCMichael Dupuis

2019 Summer Interns

2019 FSGC Supported Intern Profiles

2018 Summer Interns


Mentor / CollaboratorStudent NameSchoolOpportunity TitleNASA CenterAcademic LevelMajor
Sampson, JeffGammon, RichardUNIVERSITY OF FLORIDAMaterials Testing and Analysis of
Ablative Coatings
NASA KSCJuniorMaterial Science
Jones, JonathanOjeda, CarlosUNIVERSITY OF FLORIDALaunch Vehicle Control System Design and TestingNASA MARSHALLSeniorAerospace Engineering
Thompson, FurmanColby, JoelUNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDAAdditive Manufacturing of a Humidity SensorNASA MARSHALLSeniorAerospace Engineering
Nufer, BrianGreen, MaxUNIVERSITY OF  FLORIDAMechanical and/or Fluids Engineer for Testing and AnalysisNASA KSCSeniorMechanical Engineering
Shaykhian, AliWatkins, TerrellFLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITYSystems Development, Data Mining and Knowledge DiscoverNASA KSCFreshmanMechanical Engineering
Shaykhian, AliBellamy, BrandeisUNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDASystems Development, Data Mining and Knowledge DiscoverNASA KSCJuniorAerospace Engineering
Macon, DavidWhite, LanceUNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDAReverse Engineering and
NASA KSCJuniorMechanical Engineering
Warmbrodt, WilliamNicholas, PetersEMBRY RIDDLE AERONAUTICAL UNIVERSITYAdvanced Rotorcraft Aeromechanics ResearchNASA AMESSeniorAerospace Engineering
Underwood, MatthewByrd, CameronUNIVERSITY OF  MIAMICrew Systems and Aviation Operations BranchNASA LANGLEYJuniorAerospace Engineering

2017 Spring Interns

Jaysen MulliganUCF
Joshua SteinrockFIT
Jessica WarrenFSU

2016 NASA Summer Interns

Briana Luthman (USF)Made in Space Inc
Jonathan Hipps (FIU)Made in Space Inc
Jennie Chung (ERAU)NASA Marshall
Ekaterina Vydra (FGCU)NASA Goddard
Kirsten Carlson (FIT)NASA Wallops
Macarena Ortiz (UMiami)NASA Goddard
Julia Worrell (FIT)NASA  Kennedy
Sophia Bergmann (UFL)NASA Marshall
Matthew Schmidt (ERAU)NASA Marshall
Daniel Houck (FSU)NASA Kennedy Master Planning
Zide Carson (USF)NASA Kennedy
Alexander Diaz-Clark (FIU)NASA – ARC
James Egbert (UCF)NASA Kennedy


2015 NASA Summer Interns

  1. Megan Mackool (UF) – Johnson Space Center
  2. Alexander Voce (UCF) – Kennedy Space Center
  3. Breejum Albritton (FIT) – Kennedy Space Center
  4. Christopher Kennedy (FIT) – Kennedy Space Center
  5. Lindsey Carboneau (FGCU) – Langley Space Center
  6. Ryan Kent (USF) – Marshall Space Flight Center
  7. Sahadeo Ramjatan (UF) – Goddard Space Flight Center


 2014 NASA Summer Interns

  1. Joseph Fischer (FIT) – Kennedy Space Center
  2. Kylie Johnson (FIT) – Kennedy Space Center
  3. Breejum Albritton (FIT) – Kennedy Space Center
  4. Gabriel Diez (FSU) – Marshall Space Flight Center
  5. Gillian Smith (UCF) – Marshall Space Flight Center
  6. Eliyahu Davis (Miami) – Marshall Space Flight Center
  7. Jonathan Katzman (Miami) – Langley Research Center
  8. Joseph Park (UF) – Goddard Space Flight Center

2013 KSC Summer Interns


ANTHONY GAROFALO (UCF) “Fluid Vessel Quantity using Non-Invasive PZT Technology Flight Volume measurements under Zero-G analysis” under the guidance of Dr. Rudolph Werlink.
ARUN SUBBIAH  (UFL) “Systems Engineering for Science Payload Development” under the guidance of Dr. Nicole Dufour.
BRITTANY MOTT  (USF) “Cryogenics and Propulsion branch” under the guidance of Dr. Carlos Estrada.
VRAJEN PATEL  (UCF) “Development of a prototype algal reactor for removing CO2 from cabin air” under the guidance of Dr. Oscar Monje Mejia.


ALEJANDRA DOMINGUEZ  (FIT) “KSC Swamp Works” under the guidance of Mr. Robert Mueller.
ANTHONY DEFILLIPO  (Brevard Community College) “KSC Swamp Works” under the guidance of Mr. Robert Mueller.


2012 KSC Interns

Paige Attaway                  University of Florida

Robert Feldges                 Florida Gulf Coast University

Karl Hewling                      Florida A&M University

Lili Moots                            University of Central Florida

Khadijah Ransom             Embry Riddle Aeronautical University

Jasmine Rutledge            Bethune-Cookman University

David Thorpe                    Florida State University

Laura Seward                   University of Central Florida

2011 SAIP Interns

2010 SAIP Interns

2009 SAIP Interns

2008 KSC Interns

2008 Industry Interns

2007 KSC Interns