2019 A Rover Odyssey
Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing on the Moon
In Partnership with Atlantis Education Services, the NASA Florida Space Grant Consortium is hosting a lunar rover competition for middle school children through public libraries in Florida
- There will be two public libraries taking part in the competition (Wakulla, and Hardee public libraries).
- Each library can host 3 teams of 4 students each, for a total of 12 students per library.
- Each library will host a pre-competition to select the 12 students that will take part in the final competition
- Once the teams are selected, representatives from Atlantis Education Services will be visiting each library during the first 2 weeks of June to provide the teams with all the supplies needed for the competition including the robot rovers. The Atlantis Education representatives will also hold a workshop on how to control and program the robots, in preparation for the final competition.
- Atlantis Education will be providing each team with rovers. These rovers have been 3d printed by Atlantis Education. The rovers will be on loan to the libraries.
- Once the teams have finished with their practice, the rovers will have to be shipped to Atlantis Education Services at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex for the final competition (3rd week of July).
- For the competition, the rovers will be placed on this surface and the students will remotely control the rovers from their respective libraries. The students will not be able to see the entire surface. Each of the rovers are equipped with a camera. Each team can only view what the camera “sees”. For the actual competition, each team will have to perform certain tasks with the least amount of moves of the rover. More information will be provided during the workshop.
Download a Mission Plan for the Competition
Download the Competition Flyer
Video of students controlling the rover on the simulated lunar surface
Press Kits
NASA Apollo 11 Press Kit
NASA Apollo 11 Press Kit – Restored in 2010
Apollo11 Press Kits Directory – 42 Press Kits
Apollo by the Numbers
Flight Plan
Apollo 11 Flight Plan –Final – Reformat
History etc
NASA Resources for Apollo 11 50th Anniversary
Poster – How Our Moon Formed
Apollo Landing Sites
Apollo 11 Activity on the moon
Press Kits, Flight Journals, etc.
Over 15000 Apollo Pictures at 1800 dpi
People Involved
Guenter Wendt – Pad Leader for Apollo 11
On the way to the surface of the moon