2024-25 KSC/FSGC Technology Development and Commercialization Program


KSC innovators have developed many new technologies and made many scientific breakthroughs over the years. While all have been developed for NASA’s space exploration mission, some KSC technologies have the potential to provide benefit here on Earth in commercial applications.  As a result, the KSC Technology Transfer Office (TTO) patents these technologies and makes them available to private sector companies for commercialization through the NASA Technology Transfer Program. When companies obtain these technologies and use them to meet market needs, we call these Spinoffs (http://spinoff.nasa.gov/)

However, many of these patented technologies are early stage and require additional development to better determine the strength of their commercial viability and their use to NASA. In some cases, KSC laboratories lack the NASA funds to advance these technologies and private sector companies cannot risk the investment in needed development.  Because of this, these technologies have stopped in their development despite their possible commercial benefit here on Earth and use to NASA.


In response, FSGC and the KSC TTO have partnered to establish this pilot program.  This program seeks to provide Florida universities with a competitive opportunity to further develop KSC patented technologies for potential commercial applications. And for NASA space applications if the specific technology has “dual use” potential.

FSGC and the KSC TTO worked collaboratively to identify two early stage KSC patented technologies that fit the profile for this program.

The two topics are

(i) Capacitive Micro-Gravity Fluid Mass Gauge

(ii) Self-Cleaning Coatings for Space or Earth

We are now issuing this request to Florida universities for proposals to further develop these technologies for commercial applications.  Alternatively, proposals may suggest development that advances the technology toward meeting both commercial and NASA applications, i.e. “dual-use”, as suggested in the technology descriptions provided.  Proposals describing an entire development path from current maturity level to a level where the technology is fully capable of meeting commercial applications (and NASA application if applicable), are desired but not required.  Proposing complete development paths is valuable even if funding through this year’s RFP will not cover all development or the proposer is not interested in performing development work beyond a certain point.

Notice of Intent by March 15, 2024

Deadline: Proposals due by April 15, 2024

Notification of Award – April 30, 2024

2024 FSGC KSC Technology Development Program RFP

Online Application