This program has been discontinued
The Aerospace Education Program is designed to provide aerospace education experiences for students that will motivate them to become engaged in the study of science, mathematics, engineering, and/or technology. This program will provide supplementary funds for equipment and supplies to enable teachers to implement aerospace education projects in their school. It is assumed that the project(s) will be aligned with the Sunshine State Standards.
All K-12 teachers who will be teaching in Florida during the 2007-2008 school year are eligible to participate in this program. A teacher may propose alone or as a member of a team of teachers.
The FSGC has allocated $5,000 for this program. Individual grants should not exceed $500. These funds may be used for any valid expenses related to curriculum materials and supplies. These funds are not to be used to cover faculty salaries or for student tuition. Up to $100 of the funds may be used for travel to the FAST annual meeting (or other similar gathering) to present the program results to other interested teachers. Teachers who were awarded funds last year under this program may submit a proposal to continue with their funded project, but can only request an amount necessary to replace the consumables.